Anthony's Road User Survey

Scroll down to fill in my survey

I know how important our roads are to everyday life in South Cambridgeshire. The government understands that it is essential all road users can move about freely and safely.  It is providing Cambridgeshire with £27.7 million for road maintenance between 2022 and 2025, with over £2 billion spent on improving the A14 and A428. This is on top of the hundreds of millions it has given to the Greater Cambridge Partnership, County Council and Combined Authority to improve local transport.  

But anyone who has driven or cycled around Cambridgeshire recently will have seen that the state of our roads is declining rapidly.

There have also been major proposals by local transport authorities to introduce congestion charging in Cambridge and more recently, to reclassify our local road network, which could result in many roads being closed to cars. Last year, we saw a local policy to stop killing weeds on the roads and pavements. I would like to understand how you feel about the way our local roads are being managed.

I know that these issues matter to you. Your feedback is the only way I can be sure I’m championing your interests. How do you use our roads? Are you concerned about road charging? What do you think about the condition of our local roads? Scroll down to share your experiences and concerns - it will only take a few minutes. I hope you will share your views on this vital topic. 

Anthony's Road User Survey

  • Current Road User Survey
  • Your details
What type of road user are you?
eg. bus
How would you describe the overall road conditions in South Cambridgeshire?
Have you encountered a pothole on the roads in the last month?
Has your vehicle or bicycle been damaged as a result of a local pothole
How would you say the problem of potholes has changed during the last 12 months?
How supportive are you of plans to dual the A428 from Cambourne to St Neots, and improve the junction at Caxton Gibbet?
How supportive would you be if the Girton Interchange (M11, A14 & A428 Junction) was connected to the M11 both north and south?
Were you supportive of last year’s proposals for a congestion charge in Cambridge City?
Would you support any form of road charging (paying) to use local roads?
Do you think targeted road closures in urban areas help to improve traffic flow?
What do you think Cambridgeshire County Council’s top priorities should be for our local roads?